This week on the Get More Smarter Podcast, it’s…she! Legislative scorekeeper and best friend of the pod Christy Powell is back with another rundown of the Colorado State Legislature at the halfway-ish mark. We also play another round of "What the F*@# Are You Talking About?!" which you as a reader of this Substack get to play along with us right now!

Okay, here are the rules:
Below you’ll find clips of floor speeches from the Colorado House and Senate. Your job is to listen to the clip and try and figure out what bill the legislator is talking about. No, you won’t get them all. Yes, this is a game designed to be like Dark-Souls-Level-Hard.
Our first clip comes from Republican State Representative Anthony Hartsook from Dougals County who looks exactly like a Republican State Representative named Anthony Hartsook from Douglas County would look:
Our next clip comes from Denver Democrat Steven Woodrow who is…actually hilarious:
Next up we have a guy neither Jason nor I knew was even in the Colorado House, Rick Taggart (R-Mesa-ish) who really does actually look like Tim Leonard did Frozen Dead Guy Days for 20 years:
Then, lest you think we’re only picking on the lower chamber of the Colorado Legislature, we now present to you the utterly inscrutable Sentaor Mark Baisely (R-oxborough Park), who might need to draft fewer bills and just make more friends:

In our penultimate clip, we visit frenemy of the pod, Richard Holtorf (that dude who told a story on the floor of the House with the cameras running about white knighting in to pay for an abortion for his college girlfriend before he denied paying for an abortion for his college girlfriend) for a very RichardHoltorfian experience, spreading debunked conspiracy theories about the covid vaccine while getting ice grilled by Speaker McCluskie so hard he actually feels it on the back of his neck.

And last, and certainly also least, we have Ken “Skin” (WHY!!??!!?) DeGraaf with a version of the “millennials hate capitalism and ruin everything” take.
And that’s it for this week! Don’t forget to subscribe to the pod wherever you listen, follow us over on Nice Twitter aka Threads, and forward this email or share this post with your friends, your enemies, and the one that got away back in junior high. You know who we’re talking about. Thanks to Best Friend of the Pod Christy Powell for being our guest this week, and THANK YOU so much for listening, we’ll see you next time!
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